Short Mat Bowling (2 mats)
Monday organised Short Mat Bowling from 13:30 until approx 16:00
Friday organised Short Mat Bowling from 13:30 until approx 16:00
Check in closes 15 mins before start time for all of these sessions.
After these sessions arrangements should be made by the bowlers to have the mats rolled away if required.
Casual Short Mat Bowling
Members may use the short mat bowling facilities having first ensured that no other organised event is taking place.
At the end of the session the mats should be rolled away.
The charge for playing bowls both indoors and outdoors, is ₤1.50 per member per session; with a minimum overall charge of ₤4.00 per session. The minimum charge includes the cost of heating and lighting. Refreshments are included in the charges.
Non-players should pay £1.00 for refreshments.
Guests may use the facilities when accompanied by a Full Member. The Member must ‘sign the guest in’ in the visitors book and leave the appropriate fee in the box. The book and the box are on the bowls rack in the lobby. The charge for invited guests is £4.00 per guest per session.
Equipment & Access
+ Club bowls, jacks, footers and measures may be borrowed from the locked bowls racks.
+ Keys to the main gate and the Clubhouse are available on payment of a small deposit.
+ The burglar alarm details will be advised on the issue of keys.
+ Junior members may not hold keys but may use the Green when a supervising Club Member is present.
Long Mat Bowling
Throughout the close season a group of members play each Wednesday at Tamworth Indoor Bowling Club.