All Full Members are encouraged to enter the Club’s Internal Competitions.
The finals for all competitions will be played on Finals Day - Saturday 23rd September 2023
Competition matches are played to 21 up - 2023 Competition Guidelines & Rules for Competitions
Click on the Competition name for current draw & past winners
Competition Current holder(s)
President’s Cup Peter Hancock Open singles KO
Townsend Cup John Rainford Mens’ singles KO
Ruscoe Cup Helen Mardling Ladies’ singles KO
Jackson Cup Brian Darlington & David Farnsworth Mens’ doubles KO
Bloor Trophy Lynne Rainford & Theresa Hancock Ladies’ doubles KO
Harding Cup Brenda & Brian Darlington Mixed doubles KO
Richardson Shield Rob Jones Open singles KO
Edwards Cup Lynne & John Rainford Drawn doubles KO
Johnson Trophy John Rainford Open singles RR