Competition Guidelines
First drawn for each match to contact their opponent and arrange the game.
Try to make arrangements during Social bowling sessions else opponent contact details can be obtained through Sylvia MahoneyNote the ‘Completed By’ dates on the draw charts.
Please do not leave arrangement to the last minute. Delayed games may incur disqualificationPlease use the diary inside the main door to book games during non-social periods take note of Friendly dates and other social activities
Maximum 4 Knockout Games on the green at any one time
No ‘roll up’ or practice on the day of the games
Scorers and/or spectators are permitted.
No coaching of players during the game pleaseUse scorecards located on the Outdoors bowls cupboard adjacent to Toilet entrance.
Ensure Competition name and Player names are entered on the scorecard. The score card must clearly record the final score.Deposit completed results cards in the box provided
Please bring your own Pens and measuring equipment
Winner to write their name on the Notice Board draw charts for the next round
Etiquette during play
Some members are no longer able to bowl excessively long Jacks. Please respect these members if you find you are playing them. There is no skill from bowling a length that your opponent finds impossible to reach. Players should rely on skill rather than physical ability. Minimum length (19 metres from the footer) must however be maintained at all times.
If you need any help at all or have any questions please contact Rob Jones: - 07484 107395 / 01889 505360