Bowling Etiquette Summary

All members are asked to adhere to some simple rules of conduct at all times when playing, ensuring an enjoyable and friendly atmosphere is maintained.

  • In a match, look after your opposite number, particularly if he or she is a visitor.

  • Shake hands with all of the players - both before and after the match.

  • Do not bowl until the previous bowl has come to rest.

  • Do not move or talk when someone is about to bowl - this is an unfair distraction.

  • Unless asked, do not make any comment on another player’s shot other than to encourage.

  • Having played your bowls, be aware of other players’ marks

  • When the Green is full, walk around the other footers and bowls heads.

  • Read and understand the rules of the game, together with any rules specific to a particular competition.

  • When bowling, always use the correct footwear.

  • Always deliver your bowls smoothly onto the Green, avoiding dropping them and potentially damaging the Green.

  • Do not throw the footer to its next playing position.