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Meeting Place:  Co-op carpark, Cannock Road, Wildwood, Stafford, ST17 4RA,

Route Discription: The walk is just over 5 miles, good paths with a little road walking. Those of you that like stiles will be disappointed as there aren’t any. We walked the route yesterday and spotted around 30 deer, snowdrops, daffodils and crocuses together with many posh houses, something to interest everyone!

Lunch: has been arranged for 1.15pm at the Chetwynd Arms, please reply to me, preferably by email, whether you are able to join us for the walk and lunch, just the walk or only lunch. The Chetwynd Arms doesn’t require menu choices to be pre-booked, although they do need to know correct numbers.

SCARABS Statement of Care :-

18 February

Skittles & Quiz evening

28 February

Spring Whist Drive