Stone Crown Amblers, Ramblers And Bowlers
(Stone Crown BC walking group)

During the Winter months, when the green is closed, our Winter Walking Group meet on alternate Tuesday mornings for a leisurely walk followed by lunch at a local hostelry.

Everyone is welcome to join us, to walk and have lunch, just have a walk, or just have lunch. The walks are normally between 4 and 5 miles, occasionally a little longer.

This is an ideal way to keep in touch with each other whilst also providing gentle exercise.

If you have been included in previous walking distribution lists, then you will receive details automatically. If you are new and wish to be added to the list, please advise Bob Markham either by phone or email, preferably by email please.

Bob Markham - email - 01785 815938

  • Regular walkers will know that the SCARABS success over many years has been achieved by the willingness of members to lead an occasional walk themselves.

  • If necessary we can help with the paperwork or even send out the details and co-ordinate the meal choices.

  • If you feel able to volunteer for any of the dates below please let me know. 

SCARABS Statement of Care :
In agreeing to walk with the Scarabs you accept that you fully understand the following statement and that walking with the Scarabs is carried out in the spirit embodied in the statement below (based upon the statement used by The Ramblers Association UK). 

All participants in a walking group owe each other a “duty of care” and should, to the best of their ability, not cause, or allow through neglect, foreseeable damage to befall others or their property. Every care is taken in planning walks but no responsibility is accepted by the Group, Organisers or Walk Leaders for any form of accident or liability however caused. Participation on any walk is entirely at the individual’s risk