Summer Social Bowling
Please note that check in closes 15 mins before start time for all of these sessions.
Monday Social Bowling (limited ends) from 14:00 until approx. 16:45
Tuesday Social Bowling (played to 15/21-up) as announced.
Wednesday Social Bowling (limited ends) from 14:00 until approx. 16:45
Thursday Social Bowling (played to 15/21-up) as announced.
Friday Social Bowling (limited ends) from from 17:00 until approx 19:00 followed by an optional Fish & Chip supper (prices)
Saturday Social Bowling (limited ends) from 14:00 until approx. 16:45

Note: Friendly matches & special events very occasionally necessitate the cancellation of these sessions - please check the calendar.

Friendly matches
Played against local bowling clubs throughout the season
Festival Days
Events when members can meet socially and take part in (not too) competitive fun bowling. These events are always well attended.
See the Captain’s noticeboard & website for details.
Green Maintenance
The Green is closed for maintenance on Tuesdays & Fridays until 1pm

The Green is available for members’ casual use at all other times.

The charge for playing bowls both indoors and outdoors, is ₤1.50 per member per session; with a minimum overall charge of ₤4.00 per session. The minimum charge includes the cost of heating and lighting. Refreshments are included in the charges.
Non-players should pay £1.00 for refreshments. 

Guests may use the facilities when accompanied by a Full Member. The Member must ‘sign the guest in’ in the visitors book and leave the appropriate fee in the box. The book and the box are on the bowls rack in the lobby. The charge for invited guests is £4.00 per guest per session. 

Equipment & Access
Club bowls, jacks, footers and measures may be borrowed from the locked bowls racks. You will be advised of the key location.
+ Keys to the main gate and the Clubhouse are available on payment of a small deposit.
+ The burglar alarm details will be advised on the issue of keys.
+ Junior members may not hold keys but may use the Green when a supervising Club Member is present.

Bowling Etiquette
Dress Code & Uniform
The Laws of the Game