Finals Day

A total of 9 finals were played on the day.

Despite some very “mixed” weather in the week leading up to Finals Day, we were blessed with a dry day with some lovely sunny intervals in the afternoon. Spectators came and went throughout the day and were treated to some excellent bowling, from the finalists, with some very close and exciting games. One or two games had score lines that don’t truly reflect how close the games were and we had two finals played to 21:18 and two even closer finishes at 21:20.
Congratulations to all of the winners and the runners up.

We would like to thank everyone who helped with scoring, measuring, catering or in any other way to make the day a great success.

The day concluded with the presentation of all the Cups and Trophies out on the green followed by well-earned drinks and a fish/chicken and chips supper.

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Stone Crown Challenge